Programs & Curriculums

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Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS)

Room A: 6 weeks – 12 months (non-walkers)

Nurturing, snuggling, loving…our staff takes extra care to help make the transition back to work as easy as possible for both baby and family.  You will find a safe, secure environment for your infant that leaves you with the peace of mind you need.  Babies find personal space for rest and individual attention and play spaces with attractive manipulatives that invite small motor play.  Our infants are treated to an array of experiences to meet their rapidly changing social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs.  Our specially trained staff offer our research based curriculum designed to promote emerging skills while building a bond of trust through hugs and attention.  The curriculum wraps stimulating activities in the routines of the day, giving your little one a firm foundation for learning.


Room B: 12months – 24 months (walkers)

Moving, bouncing, climbing, tumbling…toddlers are on the go!  Our environment encourages the on-the-move toddler to engage and explore, climb a soft structure, push a stroller or cart, build a tower, and then retreat to a soft lap for an encouraging hug or comforting story.  The toddlers find a balance of room for moving and waddling in addition to areas designed to attract their attention to language, thinking, balancing, sorting, creating and learning through their senses.  The toddler curriculum builds upon the infant program, to add activity centers where children can move, build, read and create.  It provides an array of experiences, based on the latest brain research, that encourages growth and development of language, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, cognitive skills, and social/emotional skills.  All are disguised in routines and fun that delights the toddlers.

Room C: 2 year olds

Independent, energetic…in their quest for independence, two year olds move, explore, challenge, test and conquer!  This classroom is appropriately set with learning centers that encourage exploration, climbers that stimulate development of large motor skills and materials that engage children in hands on exploration.

Room D: 3 year olds

Exploring, growing, creating…Our three year olds have a balance of fun, educational challenge, and nurturing care.  The classroom equipment is designed to capture your child’s interest and engage them in exploration that encourages thinking skills. Our three year old program provides learning experiences that set the stage for academic success and lifelong problem-solving skills in an environment that attracts and engages the child.  In addition, you will find nurturing staff that understand the need for individual attention, hugs, and love while recognizing that children grow, develop and learn at their own pace.